EDWG was formed in 1998, with a small group of local writers meeting in each other’s homes once a fortnight to read, discuss and critique their writing. Over a decade later, there are over 200 people on the mailing list but the ethos remains much the same. Many people rarely attend a meeting, some are regular attendees and there are some who have never yet made it to a meeting but are waiting for the right time. The list is also used to circulate items of general lit interest: competitions, events etc.
Our members include published authors, competition winners and people who have completed novels, poems or short stories but are still awaiting publication, as well as those who are at the very beginning of their writing career. We aim to give support, constructive criticism and motivation. The group operates as a collective, with no individual having greater prominence than any other member. In 2009, EDWG published an anthology, Hoovering the Roof (the title chosen following a public poll) consisting of short stories, poems and novel extracts. This book sold out of its initial print run and was awarded runners up prize in the National Association of Writers’ Groups anthology awards. It was announced in September 2011 that Hoovering the Roof 2 went one better and won the NAWG award.
If you’re interested in joining EDWG, please check out the website.